OWBC Generation Two Chapter 2

Caitlyn is working hard on her career, and her family.  She met Genji Watanabe and proceeded to have 3 kids with him, though he doesn’t make the cutest babies.  Hopefully the kids look better as they grow up. However, there is an even more important addition to this family and that is Soosung… otherwise known as Sunny. He is curious, friendly, and fluffy.  He has been to the vet twice already, so in keeping with RL, he is expensive!!! But he is so freaking adorable! There are a lot of pictures. It might take a few minutes to watch them all scroll through. LOL

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Fine, we will get back to the rest of the family.  Here we have the oldest daughter, Leila.  Her traits are, and will be (I roll them all ahead of time), Wild (toddler), Creative, Romantic, Art Lover, and she earned Happy Toddler.

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Then came Katrina, who’s traits are and will be: Angelic, Cat Lover, Klepto, Goofball, and she added Happy Toddler.

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And Gabrielle has just been born and her traits are: Independent, Outgoing, Perfectionist, Family-Oriented

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Caitlyn has had a rough time at work, because all of her co-workers seem to want to die while at work.

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Harvestfest was a success and the whole family was there to eat!

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Winterfest came along and everyone had a great time!

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All of the sisters have moved out and it is just Caitlyn and her little family now.  Genji, of course, cannot move in, so it is just a house of girls right now.

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